Control 25 - Liverpool's First one on one Festival

It was recently brought to my attention that a large scale site specific project that took over the City of Liverpool; the wonderful Control 25 Festival features in a chapter within this brilliant book; ‘Experiencing Liveness in Contemporary Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’ published by Rutledge.
Control 25 was Liverpool’s first one on one Festival and posed the question; who’s in charge - spectator, artist or art-form within one on one performance?
I was one of the lead Artists on Control 25 and in 2014, Curators of the project, Sarah Hogarth and Emma Bramley of All things considered Theatre Company worked with student on the emerging artists programme (EAP) at Hope Street Liverpool to create 25 individual one on one pieces of work for the Festival. These works would examine the nature of authorial control within the artform.
Sarah and Emma brought in experienced Artists (Seth Honnor, Ant Hampton and myself) in this form to design and deliver workshops relating to our varied practices in the form, to work with the students to inspire and help kick off the creation of their one on one works.
Control 25 was a very special project to be a part of, the first of its kind in Liverpool and culminated in an exciting panel discussion that I was invited to be part of too.

If you are interested in the research and study of one on one, micro and intimate performance, the Control 25 Festival Chapter will be of particular interest to you.

Controlling the Future: Liverpool’s first One on One Performance Festival; Article for the Skinny